Pets not only bring joy to their owners, but are also a source of endless hair, which evenly covers all the surfaces in the house.

However, those who do not have cats and dogs also have to deal with hair, this time their own - it adheres tightly to the carpet, so such dirt is not easy to clean.

Fortunately, there are several ways to get your floor back to its original appearance.

The most effective method is to hand-clean your carpet with a brush.

Start by spraying your long pile or short pile carpet with plain water from a spray gun, then arm yourself with a clothes or carpet brush and move on.

Move in one direction first, and when the process is close to completion, brush the carpet in the other direction.

Some housewives prefer to use regular duct tape, which they wrap around their hand and "smooth" the carpet.

Scotch tape can be replaced with a special clothes adhesive roller.

There is another option that can only be used on dark floors.

It consists of scattering teaspoons of freshly brewed black tea over the carpet and leaving the floor covering in this form for 10 minutes, and after the specified time, the infusion is removed together with the hair with a broom.