Lana lives in Brazil - volunteers picked her up off the street. Soon she was adopted by Sulen Schaumlöffel and her fiancé.
Despite the "privileged" life in a cozy house, Lana hasn't forgotten what it's like to spend a night under a fence!
As reported:
Recently, it got colder in Brazil and Sulen pulled out a warm blanket for Lana, so she wouldn't freeze in her kennel.
The next morning, Sulen found that the blanket wasn't in the kennel.
It turned out that Lana had dragged it out to the street where a stray dog lives!
Sulen says she saw the stray dog for the first time the day before.
Lana apparently befriended the unhappy mongrel and decided to warm him up!
Sulen says the stray dog doesn't let people get close to him, even if they leave food and water.
Lana would do the same if she could!
"My four-legged friend reminded me that the most important thing in life is generosity!" - says Sulen.
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